Education Support Center

Education Support Center is always here to help those in need.
The global issue of hunger and COVID-19 pandemic bring suffering to so many people. Some people are suffering from income, and some are not even able to buy food for themselves and their families. These people live in our community, and some of them are probably someone you know or close to you. To help these people, we have the Emergency Food Assistance Program. With this program, we’ll continue distributing food to everyone in need in our community, so no one goes to sleep with a hungry stomach while everyone is fighting their daily battles in life.

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About The Program
Education Support Center’s Emergency Food Assistance Program distributes emergency food packages at our food banks across San Diego County. Most of the food we distribute is non-perishable and shelf-stable food items.
How We Distribute the Food
ESC’s Emergency Food Assistance Program distributes emergency food packages at our food banks across San Diego County. Most of the food we distribute is non-perishable and shelf-stable food items. Our food pantry for this program is open any day to accommodate those who are in need.
Are There Any Income Guidelines for The Food Emergency Program?
Yes. To qualify for this program, your household must meet the federal income guidelines determined by household sizes and household income.
What Is Included in The Food Bag?
Food items vary from month to month. A typical EFAP bag will include a variety of canned vegetables, canned soups, canned fruits, canned meats, pasta, oatmeal, rice, beans, and frozen food items.

How To Support the Program?

To support this program, you can donate or become a volunteer. Click the buttons below to learn more about it.