Education Support Center

Helping the Community

Not only does giving back help you feel good, but there are surprisingly many benefits to uplifting those around you!

While we may lead busy lives, helping the community is something that we should always make time for. By committing to a shared activity in helping the community, you get the opportunity to meet other people and make new friends. This is especially useful if you are new to an area.
Volunteering with other people will also help you to improve your social skills. While some people are naturally outgoing, others may be shy, so doing activities with other people will give them the opportunity to develop their social skills. Helping others can also help you to strengthen your existing friendships. By working together on something that you are both passionate about, it can strengthen the bond between you and an existing friend.
Having social contact with others while helping the community can relieve stress and put you in a good mood. Being in a social setting can help combat feelings of loneliness and depression. As you do good for others and your community, you will start to feel a sense of achievement. This will help to improve your self-confidence. Also, the time you spend helping will help to take your mind off from your own worries. Moreover, extending a helping hand in the community is good for your physical wellbeing. It can help you develop your thinking skills and keep you physically active.
Helping the community can help you to acquire skills that you can use in your profession. An example would be learning how to cope with a crisis because of working at Education Support Center (ESC).